Monday, May 4, 2009


Here's our tiny little hotel room in Shinjuku, Tokyo that we'll be staying in for 5 days. What an epic journey so far. Hours spent imitating a sardine in the plane and a bus ride and walk later, we're finally at the start of our 3 week holiday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Jen and I spent Easter long weekend attending a Parelli (natural horsemanship) Clinic with two of her four horses, Brea and Star. The whole horse thing is totally foreign to me. I am used to all things mechanical and usually with wheels attached.

I am gradually getting the hang of this horsey thing. Still quite the novice when it actually comes to riding, especially at any pace fasting than a walk. However, they don't frighten me as much as they used to, whether it's moving them around, sitting on them, etc.

Jen decided that she would camp out in luxury and bought a 4 person tent and a very plush queen sized self inflating mat. Good thing we were camping in close proximity to the car, I can't imagine lugging that massive thing for any great distances. I was pleasantly surprised the tent was bone dry inside despite nature trying its hardest to drench us with a whole afternoon of thunder and lightning. And there was another beginner class during the thunderstorm; their horses were the tallest thing in the plain grassy fields! Glad I wasn't out there with them.

Jen has been making me look the part by buying me shirts with horses on them, with the logo "Parelli" emblazoned on them. I'm the one with the lime green shirt in these photos.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All suited up

Too busy working, no time to add to the blog. Been spending more time in the horse saddle and also on the motorbike. The colder wet weather and end of day light savings has been putting a dampener on things.

At the urging of various people around me, I've chosen to buy motorbike leathers to go with my new hobby of motorbike riding. It's bright blue and black and some silver bits, to go with my blue Honda CB400.

Can't gain any more weight or I won't fit in the very snug leathers as you can see! While going a bit faster on the bike last night to my brother's house, a possum jumped onto the street and was stunned by my headlight, almost became a brown trouser moment, but somehow I managed to miss the furry mobile speed hump. Phew!

Spent the Easter long weekend in Howlong, on a 400 acre property attending horse riding lessons. Will have some photos up soon.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A new leaf...

Dear diary... or should that be dear blog,

I've been told I'm a bit quiet and don't show my emotions much... so what better way than to start a blog and share my thoughts with the world wide web.

So, here I am, sitting down after riding my 1 week old motorbike back from my brother's place, a bit preoccupied with whether I've done more than superficial damage to my bike because I bent the gearshifter when I dropped the bike on the weekend. Oh still runs, I suppose I'll just have it checked out at the 1000km service. And I thought I'd try really hard and be a really good novice rider and not drop my bike... so much for placing high expectations on yourself.

I've been working a bit much lately. Haven't allowed as much time for my usual recreations. I did enjoy however, the trip out to Woodend a few weekends ago on the mountain bike. It reminded me how, with rain, hail or shine, zooming through narrow tracks on my trusty mountain bike never fails to bring a smile to my face.

I've never kept a diary. But at 31 years old, maybe it's time to start spending a bit of time reflecting on things. Better late than never I suppose.